Custom Cakes, Cookies, & Cupcakes

Custom Cakes, Cookies, & Cupcakes

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wedding Cupcakes

Wedding Cupcakes with four different flavors. Little flowers were the Hummingbird Cupcakes with Buttercream Icing, White H's were Chocolate filled with a Cream Cheese Chocolate Chip filling and topped with a Cream Cheese Buttercream Icing, Purple open Hearts were Vanilla Bean with Vanilla Bean Buttercream icing, and Butterflys were Snickerdoodle with Carmel icing.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Welcome to the Home of Fancy Frosting

Hello, and Welcome. My name is Billie Duncan and I am a married mother of two grown children. Now that the kids are gone I have time to fullfill one of my passions which is decorating cakes, cookies and cupcakes. This year I learned to decorate with fondant and am loving it!! Everything I have done so far has been self taught. I am taking a professional course next week on fondant and am really excited. I will be posting pictures as I learn new techniques.